
Design of Experiments DoE

Planned experimental work will help you to focus on the correct process parameters to obtain an optimal process with a minimal input of resources. We can offer a training which is aimed to companies and organizations which with the help of strategic planning of experimental work wants to find the right solution, optimization and decision support for operational processes and products.


Design of Experiments is a method for planning and analyzing experiments in a cost effective manner. The method is mainly used to identify key parameters, optimize process settings or solve process problems.

The tool can also be used in a preventive purpose by interpretating the results of experiments for the future process or product. Therefore it is possible to eg test planned process changes through the method of design of experiments to verify how the process will react to the changes. The result can be useful for decision-making, and is thereby an important help in the process of continuous improvements.

Education content


  • Presentation of training leaders and participants
  • Presentation of program and pedagogical approach of training

Theory behind Design of Experiments

  • Why use design of experiments?

Review of the methodology for DoE at two levels

  • Procedure for design of experiments
  • The main and interaction effects
  • Analytical methods (Pareto chart, Normal distribution dhart, Reference interval)
  • Reduced factorial designs
  • Mathematical model


  • You will train in how to plan, execute, analyze, draw conclusions and verify factorial designs to build up your skill.
  • During the practical training, you will also get the possibility to use a number of helpful tools, which are a support for effective work.


Provide knowledge and skills in a practical way to identify process key parameters to achieve a desired result in an economical way.

Target group

Specialist- and Basictraining
The target group is primarily people working with product development, technical production preparation or optimization in manufacturing.


The program is built on theoretical and practical sections. All trainings offered from Q2 Kvalitetsutveckling are based on an experience-based pedagogy.

Education Facts

Training Length

    2 days

Number of Participants

    max 12 people

Training Annex

    In addition to the course material, the participants will also receive a DoE Excel Quality Tool for easy implementation of the DoE method within the own organization.